Track Stands

Originating in track cycling, the track stand allows you to maintain a stationary position on your bike without touching the ground with your feet. While seemingly simple, mastering the art of track standing is a fun challenge and will enhance your experience on your fixed gear. This article delves into the tips and techniques of track standing, from the basics to more advanced methods, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to practice effectively.

Track Stand

What is a Track Stand

A track stand is a technique cyclists use to keep the bicycle stationary for a short duration without dismounting or touching the ground with their feet. This technique originates in track cycling, where cyclists stand still on their bikes at the starting line, awaiting the race's start.

Track standing involves balancing the bike primarily through slight movements of the steering and minor adjustments in body weight while keeping the pedals in a position that allows instant forward or backward motion. It's prevalent among us fixed-gear cyclists due to our ability to pedal forwards and backward, providing greater control while stationary.

Mastering the track stand can significantly enhance bike handling skills, improve balance, and is particularly useful in urban cycling environments for stop-and-go situations like traffic lights.

Preparing for Track Stands

Preparing to master track stands involves selecting an appropriate practice location, ensuring your gear is in optimal condition, and prioritizing safety measures.

Choose a quiet, level area, like a vacant parking lot or deserted street, to minimize distractions and potential obstacles. Confirm your bike is in proper working order, with special attention to the tires, pedals, and handlebars, as these are critical for maintaining balance during a track stand. I strongly suggest wearing a helmet and padded gloves to mitigate potential injuries during practice sessions.

Remember, consistency is key in mastering track stands; practice regularly, gradually increasing the duration as your confidence and skill level rise. Patience is crucial; this skill takes time to perfect. Soon enough, you'll add this technique to your repertoire.

Track Stand at Intersection

Basic Track Stand Technique

The basic track stand technique is a fundamental fixed gear skill. It involves a balance of control, body positioning, and understanding of your bike's motion. Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

  1. Approach: Approach the spot where you intend to track stand at a slow speed. This gives you time to prepare and position yourself correctly.

  2. Wheel Positioning: Turn your front wheel at about a 45-degree angle. This gives you a broader base for balance and makes the track stand easier.

  3. Pedal Positioning: Position your pedals horizontally with your dominant foot forward. This gives you maximum control over your bike and allows small adjustments to keep the balance.

  4. Body Positioning: Sit upright and keep your body relaxed. Your knees should be slightly bent for minor adjustments, and your weight should be centered over the bike.

  5. Control: The trick to maintaining the track stand is to make small adjustments to your balance and the pressure on your pedals. You can keep your balance by slightly rocking the bike forward and backward, using small pedal strokes. Your front wheel will also move slightly from side to side, helping to maintain balance.

Remember, track standing is about patience and subtle movements. The more relaxed and centered you are, the easier it will be to maintain the stand. This technique will become second nature with enough practice.

Advanced Track Stand Techniques

Once you've become comfortable with basic track stands, you can progress to more advanced techniques, showcasing your skill and control over your bike. Let's explore a few advanced track stand techniques:

No-Hands Track Stand: This technique involves maintaining balance without using your hands. It requires excellent control and a deep understanding of how minute shifts in your body weight affect your bike's balance.

One-Legged Track Stand: This method challenges your balance further by having you lift one leg off the pedals while maintaining the track stand.

Track Stand on a Slope: Practicing track stands on a gentle slope can help you master the fine balance required. Facing uphill allows you to control the bike's motion using small forward-and-backward movements while facing downhill can teach you how to use the bike's steering to maintain balance.

Switch Foot Track Stand: This technique involves switching your forward foot while maintaining the track stand, helping improve your balance and flexibility.

Remember, advanced track stand techniques require a solid grasp of the fundamentals. Take your time to master the basic track stand first, and always ensure you practice these techniques in a safe, controlled environment.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

One of the most common mistakes when learning to track stands is rushing. Track standing is an exercise in balance, patience, and control, and attempting to rush your progress can lead to poor form and potential accidents. To avoid this, practice gradually and consistently, allowing yourself time to understand and perfect each step before moving on to the next.

Another frequent error is improper foot and pedal positioning. Some new riders might position their pedals vertically or have their non-dominant foot forward. This can limit control and balance during the stand. To rectify this, keep your pedals horizontal and your dominant foot forward.

Insufficient body relaxation is also common. Tension in the body can throw off balance and make subtle bike adjustments difficult. Aim to keep your body relaxed, with slightly bent knees and loose shoulders, to respond to the bike's motion smoothly.

Lastly, riders often select improper practice locations, such as busy streets or uneven surfaces, leading to distraction and increased difficulty. Choose a quiet, flat, and open area for practice to ensure safety and effective learning.


This technique enhances your control and balance on the bike and is useful in urban cycling environments with frequent stop-and-go situations.

Remember, learning to track stand is a process that requires patience, practice, and a thorough understanding of your bike's mechanics. Avoid rushing the process, ensure proper foot and pedal positioning, relax your body, and choose a safe practice location. While it might be challenging initially, consistent practice will yield progress, and soon you'll be able to easily perform track stands.

Happy cycling!